Welcome to Strategy Resource. This site was developed so that colleagues, friends and family members could find a means of achieving the purpose of their enterprise or their lifeplan. The site is open to all in the hope that the development and implementation of strategy will improve the chance of achieving desirable outcomes.
Much of the material on this site is original. If you use it please respect the copyright position and cite the source. The material that can be attributed is acknowledged, but the site's content is based on 50 years of reading, education and practise. It is difficult to source many of the practices you develop, adopt and promulgate. Any failure to attribute is unintentional and regretted.
The archive to be provided includes more than 1000 texts, DVDs and articles and provides a testimony to the contributions of others to the general field of Strategy. However, it is difficult to codify a fundamental human evolutionary trait; "wanting" which drives us to strive for what we think we want, generating both overt and instinctive strategies.
It is expected that the site development will continue; but initially key schematics will be posted with additional text to follow.
When the site reaches a minimum level of usefulness, a register for interested consultants and organizations will be established, with a joining fee and annual subscription. The possibility of advertising and selling downloads will also be considered as additional ways of generating some income to offset costs and reward the effort that will go into the site.
If you have any comments or suggestions that will improve this resource please use the Contact Us facility.
May success follow your efforts. It often does.
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